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574 # 574
c. 1891
Charles Fox
584 # 584
c. 1876
Charles Favel
585 # 585
c. 1880
C. Edwards
593 # 593
c. 1866
W & G Sissons
613 # 613
c. 1883
William & George Sissons
614 # 614
c. 1899
William & George Sissons
730 # 730
c. 1873
William Edwards
731 # 731
c. 1873
Henry Wilkinson
732 # 732
c. 1853
W & G Sissons
736 # 736
c. 1885
Hamilton & Inches
743 # 743
c. 1865
848 # 848
c. 1890
866 # 866
c. 1869
W & G Sissons
955 # 955
c. 1877
Frederick Elkington
999 # 999
c. 1882
Walter Thornhill

© The Kent Collection